Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists 01425 485615

Innovative technique intrahepatic

Innovative technique for intrahepatic shunt closure at SCVS -- the international cooperation program continues

Another two dogs with intrahepatic shunts had successful shunt closure at SCVS using the innovative technique developed by Prof. Matthias Schneider at the University of Giessen, Germany.

  • Rocky suffered from bladder stones due to the liver shunt and had two surgeries for stone removal over the last year. We are very pleased that his ammonia levels (which are the driving force for stone formation) had already dropped significantly one week following shunt closure and we are very positive that the stone formation is likely to stop.
  • Vinnie experienced neurologic abnormalities due to toxins bypassing the liver via the shunt. A previous surgical attempt for shunt at another centre did not alleviates the signs as the shunt did not close completely. We were able to close the shunt completely with an Amplatz device and the owners report Vinnie to have improved dramatically one month following this keyhole procedure.

Only the amazing facilities of SCVS, teamwork, advanced experience in minimal invasive interventional medicine at SCVS and co-operation with Matthias Schneider (University of Giessen, Germany) make it possible bringing this advanced and innovative procedure to the UK. The co-operation is ongoing and we will soon be able to increase capacity for treating more patients with intrahepatic shunts.

Chester and Lolly, our two patients from February 2024 continue to do well. We are looking forward, seeing them for their one year recheck soon.