Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists 01425 485615

Meet Icon

Icon went missing and returned home two days later. At first, he seemed fine, but a lump on his head was identified as an abscess. His owner noticed it and sought care, and Icon appeared stable. However, within 12 hours, he became lethargic, stopped eating, and showed worrying neurological symptoms, including seizures.
When Icon arrived, he was minimally responsiveness and severe neurological concerns. Despite the odds, Icon began showing remarkable improvement within the first 12 hours under the care watch of our ICU and Neurology teams. Over the next four days, his recovery was nothing short of amazing. He regained full alertness, started walking independently, and his reflexes normalized.

We’re so proud of Icon and grateful to have played a part in his recovery. Let’s give a big cheer for this brave little kitten!