Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists 01425 485615

Meet Beautiful Bea!

Bea presented with a sudden onset of generalised incoordination, difficulties walking and a head tremor after a walk in the forest. These signs were consistent with a dysfunction of her cerebellum; this is a part of the brain responsible for coordinating movement and balance.

Although not seen, it was presumed she had ingested a toxic substance on her walk. Whilst the type of toxin is not always identifiable, prompt treatment is recommended: bloods samples showed no significant impact on her liver or kidneys and Bea was placed on intravenous fluid therapy with lipid emulsion administered intravenously & activated charcoal to absorb the toxins & stayed in ICU for 24 hours observation.

Thankfully, she showed very good improvements over the following days and made a full recovery.

Bea is back having fun with her lovely family.