Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists 01425 485615

SCVS Senior Leadership Team

We are excited to announce developments in SCVS Senior Leadership Team.

We are looking to head into 2025 with a strong positive focus on the growth and development here at Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists.

Natalie Patten has stepped up to Hospital Director after 6 years as Hospital Manager, with Adam Auckburally BVSc PhD Cert VA Dipl.ECVAA PGCAP FHEA MRCVS and Florence Juvet DVM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS progressing into Clinical Directors positions, both having been with the organisation holding diplomat and Head of Department positions for 7 and 12 years respectively .

Tobi Wagner Dip ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) MRCVS continues as Clinical Director and Head of Cardiology and Jo Webb BSc(honours) Grad DipVN A1 RVN as Nursing Manager.

The new team formation is full of enthusiasm, clinical experience and passion for the success and growth of SCVS through the coming months and years.