Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists 01425 485615

Intrahepatic Shunt Closure at SCVS

Innovative technique for intrahepatic Shunt Closure at SCVS via Direct Shunt Embolisation

Closure of intrahepatic shunts in dogs remain a challenge. The intrahepatic nature makes them difficult to access surgically and minimally invasive techniques described (stent and coil technique) embolise the hepatic vein draining the intrahepatic shunt rather than the shunt itself. Embolization of the draining vein instead of the shunt connection itself can result in formation of new collateral shunts and many patients especially those with little patent portal vasculature have to stay on lifelong medication despite intervention.

Prof. Matthias Schneider has developed an innovative method which allows complete closure of the intrahepatic shunt in the majority of patients – even in those with only very little portal vessels. The combination of direct shunt embolization with an antithrombotic protocol protracting closure over several months makes this possible. The method is technically difficult and requires a lot of interventional experience. The Cardiology Team at SCVS headed by Tobi Wagner has that expertise and we are very proud that we were able setting up a cooperation with Matthias Schneider who is professor at the University of Giessen, Germany for training our team at SCVS to establish this technique at SCVS and in the UK.

Please contact us at SCVS if you have a patient with an intrahepatic shunt. Diagnostics required are contrast CT and bloodwork which can be performed at the referring clinic or at SCVS depending on preference.