Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists 01425 485615


Recognised specialists in a variety of fields


Recognised specialists in a variety of fields

Neurology Clinics

At Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive neurological care for pets. Our specialised clinics focus on diagnosing and treating a range of neurological conditions, ensuring pets receive the highest standard of care.

Find out more about our Neurology Clinics launching on Monday 3rd February 2025 below.

Hearing Clinic

Hearing Clinic

To test specific dog and cat breeds as part of a screening programme for congenital deafness and for pets where hearing loss is suspected through the use of the BAER test

Neuropathic Pain Clinic

Neuropathic Pain Clinic

This clinic is a specialised service designed to provide comprehensive care and support for dogs dealing with ongoing chronic neurological pain through conservative treatment

Seizure Clinic

Seizure Clinic

A specialised service ensuring that owners receive the dedicated time and support required to understand their pets needs, while also developing a personalised treatment plan

Tremor Clinic

Tremor Clinic

Our tremor clinic is here to help with the diagnosis of tremors and the subsequent design of a suitable therapeutic plan to help pets avoid unnecessary treatment

SCVS Services

  • Anaesthesia
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Rehabilitation
  • Soft Tissue Surgery
  • VPG Ringwood On-site Lab
  • Interventional Service


The anaesthesia service at SCVS is led by European Specialists and residency-trained clinicians in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia, who have extensive experience in small animal referral practice. They are supported by a large team of residents, interns and anaesthetic nurses. The anaesthetists also provide a pain management service for patients admitted to SCVS, and have extensive input into the management of critically ill patients.

Our main priority is the safety of patients undergoing procedures, and the team work closely with colleagues in other disciplines, offering 24-hour support. Every patient will have a tailored anaesthetic or sedation plan, taking into account any co-morbidities and previous complications that may have occurred during anaesthesia. We are able to provide advanced techniques such as ultrasound-guided loco-regional anaesthesia, mechanical ventilation, neuromuscular blockade and invasive monitoring, in those patients where this is of benefit.

The level of expertise and advanced equipment at SCVS allows us to run an anaesthesia residency training program as an ECVAA approved training centre. All clinicians are actively involved in the provision of CPD and educational material, both internally and externally for veterinary surgeons and nurses, and publish in a variety of scientific journals and textbooks.

We understand that anaesthesia can often create anxiety amongst pet owners, so if an owner has specific concerns regarding sedation or general anaesthesia of their pet, one of the team will be more than happy to reassure them.


To refer a case, please click here.

Vet Puppy Heart Murmur clinic
Client puppy heart murmur clinic

We have one of the largest and most experienced teams of specialist cardiologists in the country, providing a comprehensive diagnostic and interventional cardiology service. We provide a practical and affordable service, where the needs of our clients and patients needs always come first.

Our team of cardiologists understand the pressures in general practice. Our aim is to work with referring vets to provide the necessary support to you and your clients wherever we can.

We also run satellite clinics in Bath (Rosemary Lodge) and Belfast (Earlswood Vets). There is a cardiologist on call 24/7.

Our team of specialist cardiologists at SCVS have experience working in first opinion practices. The team have an exceptional understanding of what vets and pet owners require from a referral service.

What we offer:

Investigation and treatment of: 

  • Heart Murmur
  • Arrhythmia
  • Collapse/syncope/seizures
  • Pericardial disease
  • Reduced exercise ability
  • Cough
  • Breathing abnormalities
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Breed screening clinics

State-of-the-art equipment

Imaging facilities

  • Echocardiography (GE Vivid E95, offering the highest quality 2D, M-mode, spectral, colour and tissue Doppler)
  • Vivid IQ: portable high-end ultrasound system which is used at our satellite sites
  • Trans-oesophageal ultrasonography
  • Siemens CT ECG-gated 64-slice (imaging aberrant coronary arteries)
  • Philips Pulsera fluoroscopy (angiography)


  • 12 channel ECG recording/monitoring
  • Digital ambulatory ECG monitoring (Holter) - allows ECG recording in the home environment for up to 7 days
  • ECG telemetry for remote monitoring of critical patients
  • Implantable reveal devices - subcutaneous ECG devices useful for investigation of intermittent collapse

Full interventional cardiology service 

  • Percutaneous closure of PDAs using the AVP-2 allowing also treatment of patients as small as 1kg
  • Balloon valvuloplasty (pulmonic stenosis)
  • Permanent pacemaker implantation (single and dual chamber)
  • Other procedures such as vascular stent implantations, stenting of pulmonic valves etc.


To refer a case, please click here.

Our specialist-led dermatology service has the facilities required for investigation of dermatological cases, including on-site intra-dermal allergy testing, in-house cytology for immediate results, barrier nursing and video otoscopy, CT and MRI scanning for investigation of ear diseases. We offer an array of laboratory investigations including histopathology, bacterial/fungal cultures, and blood tests with the advantage of an external laboratory on-site. 

Typical conditions we can help with include:

  • Investigation of pruritus
  • Allergy testing
  • Ectoparasitosis
  • Pyoderma
  • Alopecia and hormonal disorders
  • Keratinization disorders
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Feet and claw diseases
  • Chronic or recurrent otitis (in conjunction with our soft tissue surgery and neurology departments), including procedures like myringotomy
  • Control of atopic dermatitis (controlling skin allergies) 
  • Skin neoplasia (in conjunction with our soft tissue surgery and internal medicine departments)
  • Management of multi-resistant skin and ear infections (e.g. MRSP, Pseudomonas sp.)

Skin conditions are often chronic and require long-term management. Allergic skin conditions can especially have an impact on a patient’s quality of life and be concerning and stressful for a pet owner – In this case, we would aim to establish a long-term tailor-made treatment plan for each patient, resulting in a more comfortable and happier pet. We offer a comprehensive “from nose to tail” dermatological service, working together closely with clients and referring vets to achieve the best possible outcome for the individual patient.

Diagnostic Imaging

Our radiology service is led by a European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging. A board eligible radiologist, one ECVDI resident, three radiographers and two radiology interns also form part of the team. The radiology team works closely with the clinical services we offer to provide case guidance, acquisition of images and image interpretation. This is with a view to providing with the best outcome for patients. Our diagnostic imaging equipment is one of the most advanced in the UK, and includes:

  • Two ultrasound suites with a Samsung RS80 Evo and Samsung RS-80 with prestige
  • Two radiography units: Direct digital radiography suite (Philips Digital Diagnostic ceiling mounted X-ray tube working with Canon CXDI) and a portable Fuji FDR NanoX-ray machine
  • 1.5 Tesla Hallmarq MR scanner
  • Siemens Somatom Perspective CT scanner, including cardiac gating software
  • Two fluoroscopy units Philips BV Pulsera 9”mobile C-arm predominantly used for interventional radiology (in conjunction with our Medicine and Cardiology departments), and a Hologic Insight 2 Mini C-arm, used by the Orthopaedic surgery team.

Internal Medicine

To refer a case, please click here.

Our internal medicine service is specialist-led and is supported by a dedicated team of veterinary nurses. Passionate about providing the highest standards of care to patients, the team will review the previous work carried out and ask the client questions about the referring case. After a thorough examination of the patient, the team will formulate a diagnostic plan to reach an explanation for the signs the patient presents.

The internal medicine team have the benefit of working alongside other specialists in neurology, cardiology, surgery and dermatology; as well as our specialist diagnostic imagers. This allows for a multi-disciplinary approach to patients with complex problems.

The medicine team will look after conditions such as:

  • Endocrine disease (diabetes, hyperadrenocorticism)
  • Gastrointestinal disease (chronic vomiting or diarrhoea)
  • Immune-mediated disease (anaemia, polyarthritis, thrombocytopenia)
  • Infectious disease (leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis)
  • Liver disease (hepatic lipidosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis)
  • Renal disease (acute or chronic kidney failure)
  • Respiratory disease (difficulty breathing, coughing)
  • Urinary disease (urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence).

Our medical facilities include:

  • Fully equipped professional laboratory (TDDS Ltd) on site
  • Olympus video endoscopy
  • Karl Storz rigid endoscopy
  • Fluroscopy
  • Stenting facilities
  • Colour flow Doppler ultrasound using the latest state-of-the-art scanners (GE Logic 9 and GE Vivid 7)
  • Direct digital (DR) X-ray
  • On-site high field MRI
  • Electrodiagnostics
  • On-site 64 slice helical CT with 3D reconstruction and virtual endoscopy
  • Separate air-conditioned cat and dog wards, staffed by qualified veterinary nurses and interns 24/7 every single day of the year.


To refer a case, please click here.

Neurology Clinics

At Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive neurological care for pets. Our specialised clinics focus on diagnosing and treating a range of neurological conditions, ensuring pets receive the highest standard of care.

Find out more about our Neurology Clinics launching on Monday 3rd February 2025 at the top of our Services page HERE.

Our large specialist-led neurology service includes neurology residents and discipline specific interns as well as a dedicated team of veterinary nurses.

We have the support of on-site radiologists and imaging facilities, which include a high field MRI and 64-slice CT. A collaborative multidisciplinary environment allows for the successful management of often critical and complex neurological patients. A fully dedicated team of anaesthetists is also routinely involved in the assessment and procedures of the patients presented in order to minimise any complications that can arise.

We offer 24-hour care provided by our highly skilled team of veterinary nurses. Our dedicated rehabilitation service enhances patient care by creating bespoke rehabilitation treatment plans to aid recovery.

Our neurology team benefits from access to three operating theatres and surgical equipment including a SonoCure ultrasonic aspirator. Moreover, the team have access to gold-standard electro-diagnostic equipment for both investigations of neuromuscular pathologies and intracranial diseases such as epilepsy.

Typical conditions we treat include:

  • Seizures
  • Brain tumours
  • Brain infarcts
  • Vestibular disease
  • Brain malformations (hydrocephalus, caudal occipital malformation syndrome with associated syringohydromyelia)
  • Encephalitis and/or meningitis (inflammation or infections of the brain and meninges)
  • Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (dementia or old age related problems)
  • Intervertebral disc disease (slipped disc)
  • Spinal arachnoid diverticula
  • Vertebral fractures and luxation (spinal fractures)
  • Spinal cord tumours
  • Fibrocartilagenous embolism (spinal cord stroke)
  • Myelitis (Inflammation or infections of the spinal cord)
  • Neuromuscular disorders (myopathies, neuropathies, myasthenia gravis)


To refer a case, please click here.

There are many forms of cancer which can affect both dogs and cats. Early diagnosis is important in the management of cancer and our on-site equipment helps to facilitate this.

Care for our cancer patients is provided predominantly by specialists in oncology, surgery and internal medicine. Our specialist-led service is also closely supported by clinicians in many other disciplines as well as a dedicated team of veterinary nurses and interns.

All patients presenting to the oncology service will undergo a detailed consultation and examination. Additional investigations are often required which may include blood tests, diagnostic imaging and biopsies. The results will help to determine the most appropriate and individualised treatment plan for the patient. The team are dedicated to helping achieve the right treatment decision for the patient and client. 

Available cancer treatments:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Interventional oncology
  • Palliative care

The oncology team also works closely with other referral hospitals with radiation therapy facilities on-site to offer the most appropriate treatment modality for the patient.

Facilities and services offered on-site include:

  • Dedicated clinicians working directly with other disciplines to optimise outcome
  • Fully equipped on-site and in-house professional laboratory (VPG Ringwood) for rapid results, when indicated
  • Advanced medical therapies including immunotherapy, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, metronomic chemotherapy, Stelfonta
  • Separate chemotherapy treatment rooms with closed delivery system and experienced oncology nurses
  • Out of hours support and treatment, if required
  • 1.5 Tesla Hallmarq MR scanner
  • Siemens Somatom Perspective CT scanner, including cardiac gating software
  • Two ultrasound suites with a Samsung RS80 Evo and Samsung RS-80 with prestige
  • Two radiography units: Direct digital radiography suite (Philips Digital Diagnostic ceiling mounted X-ray tube working with Canon CXDI) and a portable Fuji FDR NanoX-ray machine
  • Two fluoroscopy units Philips BV Pulsera 9”mobile C-arm predominantly used for interventional radiology (in conjunction with our Medicine and Cardiology departments), and a Hologic Insight 2 Mini C-arm, used by the Orthopaedic surgery team

Our oncology service is contactable via telephone for vets who may want to discuss a referral or require advice for cases that cannot be referred.


To refer a case, please click here.

SCVS offers a first-class specialist-led ophthalmology service with the most advanced technologies and methods, including the utilisation of a diode laser, ocular ultrasound, cPLR testing, ERG, CT and MRI, not to leave out a technologically advanced phacoemulsification cataract machine.  A combination of external and fundus photography allows for accurate recording of ocular findings, helping assess the efficacy of treatments and aiding in decision making, as well as keeping referring veterinary surgeons up to date with patients. A world class veterinary ophthalmology surgical suite at SCVS, combined with our ophthalmologists’ numerous years of surgical experience, skills and knowledge, allows us to offer our patients the most up-to-date and evidence based surgical treatments for a wide variety of ophthalmic conditions.

Ocular health is an important factor for the quality of life of our patients, and with ocular disease being among the top 5 reasons why small animal patients are presented to a veterinarian, we take this very seriously. As such, we are dedicated to providing an outstanding service to our clients while providing the very best of care to our patients. We are also very proud of the support we offer the Guide dogs with screening. It is our goal to ensure that the patient’s owner is well informed and comfortable about their pet’s care.

Common eye diseases that our specialist led ophthalmology service manages

  • Anterior Uveitis
  • Cataract
  • Chronic superficial keratitis – pannus
  • Corneal ulceration and infection
  • Crystalline corneal opacities
  • Distichia, trichiasis, and ectopic cilia
  • Endothelial cell dystrophy
  • Entropion
  • Eosinophilic keratitis
  • Eyelid tumours
  • Feline herpes viral disease
  • Feline hypertensive retinopathy
  • Follicular conjunctivitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects (SCCEDS/indolent/non-healing ulcers)
  • Horner’s syndrome
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) – quantitative and/or qualitative including parotid duct transposition surgery and subconjuncival cyclosporine (CSA) implants
  • Lens luxations
  • Pigmentary keratopathy
  • Nasolacrimal duct disease
  • Nictitans gland prolapse – cherry eye
  • Orbital disease
  • Corneal and/or periorbital/orbital foreign bodies
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Acute blindness (including both sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome and CNS disease)
  • Uveal cysts


To refer a case, please click here.

The orthopaedic service at SCVS is one of busiest in the South of England. With the use of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment available, including digital radiography, fluoroscopy, CT and MRI, the team can identify problems in joints, muscle or bone.

At SCVS we have a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care, and surgical patients benefit from input from disciplines such as neurology, cardiology, internal medicine and diagnostic imaging when required. The surgical facilities are extensive allowing the team to treat a wide variety of conditions including:

  • Lameness investigation
  • Arthrodesis (joint fusion)
  • Arthroscopic investigation and treatment of joint disease
  • Hip dysplasia investigation and management (including Triple and Double Pelvic Osteotomy and Juvenile Pubic Symphiodesis)
  • Cemented and uncemented canine and feline total hip replacement
  • Biomedtrix total knee replacement (TKR)
  • Management of bone and joint tumours
  • Cranial cruciate ligament disease (Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO) and other stabilisation techniques
  • Linear and circular external skeletal fixation, interlocking nails, locking plates and screws for the management of complex fractures and angular limb deformities
  • Cartilage restoration techniques (including Osteochondral autograft transplantation and Osteochondral allograft transplantation)
  • Advanced treatment for end stage elbow disease and elbow dysplasia as Canine unicompartmental elbow arthroplasty (R)
  • Elbow stem cell and PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) Therapy

All of our orthopaedic cases receive comprehensive 24-hour care from our dedicated and highly skilled veterinary nursing staff. Unlike many other referral centres, we have qualified physiotherapists on-site who play a vital role in rehabilitating patients following surgery.

SCVS Osteoarthritis Clinic

To refer a case, please click here.


Managed by a team of fully qualified animal physiotherapists and hydrotherapists, SCVS has a rehabilitation suite offering physiotherapy and hydrotherapy. The rehabilitation service offered ensures that all our patients can receive the appropriate physical therapy post-operatively for optimum recovery.

External clients are welcome to have their pets referred to us for any condition that would benefit from the teams’ level of expertise. 

Rehabilitation following neurological or orthopaedic injury is considered a key component of recovery. Our aim is to improve a patient’s functional ability and manage any symptoms of discomfort that are related to their condition/surgery. At SCVS, optimum recovery is achieved through the close interaction between the therapy team and the specialist veterinary surgeons or referring vet.

The benefits of physical therapy include the restoration of function and mobility while also managing symptoms of acute and chronic pain (e.g. osteoarthritis, lumbosacral/back pain). The team also help clients to manage animals with chronic disabilities and have experience of advising owners on injury prevention strategies for dogs involved in sports and working activities.

Treatment and rehabilitation goals are established after an initial detailed musculoskeletal assessment with the patient. We may use a selection of the following modalities to help facilitate a patient’s recovery and subsequent progress.

  • Bespoke exercise programmes
  • Manual therapy e.g. massage
  • Underwater treadmill
  • Electrotherapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Low level laser therapy (LLLT)
  • Therapeutic ultrasound (TUS)
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)

All treatment strategies are carefully discussed and explained with clients to ensure that they have a good understanding of how to support their pets’ overall care and recovery.

SCVS Osteoarthritis Clinic

To refer a case, please click here.

Soft Tissue Surgery

To refer a case, please click here.

As Specialists in Small Animal Surgery and having gained experience in centres of excellence throughout the UK and USA, you can be confident that your referred patient is in capable hands during their time at SCVS. 

Soft tissue surgery cases can often be complex and challenging, and we are fortunate to be supported by one of the most experienced anaesthesia teams in the UK. They use advanced techniques and state of the art equipment, to ensure procedures and post-operative recovery is as safe as possible. As a large, specialist-led hospital, we are also able to ensure all patients have access to specialists in other services, such as oncology, dermatology, internal medicine, and diagnostic imaging, to ensure the patient has a comprehensive care plan implemented before and after surgery.

Soft tissue surgery patients are cared for by one of the largest and most experienced teams of veterinary nurses in the UK. They provide 24-hour care in our hospital wards, which includes a large intensive care unit for those patients who require extra care and support. Our team of physiotherapists are also available to ensure patients recover as quickly as possible after surgery.

To support our local vets, the soft tissue surgery team is available via telephone to discuss a referral, or to provide advice for cases that cannot be referred.

Soft tissue surgery is a very varied discipline. Cases the team are happy to see include;

Ear, nose and throat surgery

  • Total ear canal ablation, ventral bulla osteotomy, brachycephalic syndrome BOAS, Laryngeal tie back

Cardiothoracic surgery

  • Pericardiectomy, PDA, vascular ring anomalies
  • Lung lobectomy, pyothorax, chylothorax

Gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary surgery

  • Foreign body removal, septic peritonitis management, laparoscopic gastropexy
  • Portosystemic shunt surgery, mucocele, biliary diversion

Urogenital surgery

  • Investigation and treatment of urinary incontinence
  • SUB (Ureteric bypass) in ureterolithiasis
  • Urethrostomy and cystotomy
  • Laparoscopic neutering

Wound management and oncological surgical reconstruction

  • Management and reconstruction following traumatic wounds
  • Complex reconstruction following mass resection

VPG Ringwood On-site Lab

SCVS have a professional Veterinary Pathology Group (VPG) on-site lab which means that accurate reporting and interpretation of lab results is available for patients. This is particularly important for critically ill patients and for samples that deteriorate with time such as cerebrospinal fluid cytology.

Our on-site lab offers all aspects of clinical pathology and microbiology, and includes comprehensive offerings in serology, immunology, and toxicology. VPG also has a strong reputation for its expertise in cytology and histopathology as well as immunocytochemistry and histochemistry.

Our lab team work closely with our referral disciplines to ensure there is constant communication between the lab and vets which helps the whole process run smoothly.

Interventional Service

To refer a case, please click here.

SCVS has one of the most experienced interventional teams in the UK when it comes to minimally invasive or percutaneous/pervascular (keyhole) procedures. In fact, the team is using several interventional procedures, which are not offered anywhere else in the UK.

The technique for percutaneous PDA closures used at SCVS, allows the team to close PDAs in patients as small as 1kg and preserve the femoral artery, which is not possible with the more routinely used ACDO technique.

SCVS is the first centre in the UK, in cooperation with the University of Giessen, to offer a new method of percutaneously closing intrahepatic shunt with superior outcome compared to other methods.

Our portfolio of interventional techniques is continuously growing and covers all organ systems such as: